Membership – Privilege Plan 

As a valued patient of Smiles on Harrogate Road, we would like to introduce you to our dental plan called Privilege Plan.

You will have access to exclusive benefits within the practice and most importantly, reductions in the cost of dental treatment. There is clear evidence that patients on a plan attend for routine examinations more regularly and as a result require less future treatment overall. This means that we can help you to maintain your oral and dental health more effectively.

Some benefits of joining Privilege Plan:

  • Regular dental examinations. This means that we can help to stabilise your mouth and detect deterioration early to prevent future problems in your mouth.
  • We are happy to discuss any concerns you may have or help to advise you in the correct way on any aspect of your dental health. This enables you to get the best out of dentistry and your health.
  • Regular dental hygiene treatments. These appointments are important to help you maintain a healthy mouth and keep dental infections at bay. We can also help to provide you with personalised home oral hygiene programs.
  • Routine small radiographs (X-rays). Sometimes dental decay can infect a tooth but the tooth may appear as healthy. In these instances radiographs help to “see” infections deep in or around the tooth. Routine radiographs help with early detection.
  • Meaningful reductions in fees for general dental treatment. If you find that you are in need of more advanced dental treatment the Privilege Plan membership can help to make the treatment costs more affordable for you.

NOTE: Need new patient check up and X-rays prior to joining the plan and the plan that suits your needs will be discussed at your checkup appointment thanks!!

For more information regarding this treatment

0113 3000 202 Book Online

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