Dental Practice in Chapel Allerton, Leeds

Treatment Category: General Dentistry

General dentistry covers a range of treatment options and procedures fundamental to protecting and maintaining a good standard of oral health.


A dental exam is a check-up of your teeth and gums. Most children and adults should get a dental exam every six months.

Dental Hygiene

Regular preventive dental care at the practice, good home dental hygiene and healthy lifestyle choices ensure optimal oral health.

Dental Care for Children

We are always happy to welcome children of all ages and our friendly team will always try to ensure they have a comfortable and enjoyable experience.


By filling a tooth, it is stopping bacteria from entering the hole that has developed, and this means that you will be able to avoid any decay in the future.


A tooth which is very decayed or damaged, or loose because of gum disease, may have to be extracted. Wisdom teeth sometimes have to be extracted.

Root Canal

Depending on the health of the tooth, a filling or dental crown will be used to restore strength and function to the tooth.

Crowns & Bridges

A crown is a cap that is placed on top of one of your teeth. It is made to look like your original teeth, and the aim is to cover damage.


If you have lost some or most of your teeth, dentures can give you back your smile and your quality of life.

Jaw joint problems

dentist can help diagnose and treat. Jaw joint pain is usually the result of increased tension in the jaw muscles. Bite Guard prescribed to wear at night.

Mouth Cancer Screening

Mouth cancer screening is a short procedure at the dental practice that involves a thorough examination of your whole mouth

Nervous Patients

Our friendly team will take as much time as you need to discuss your options, making sure you fully understand and are happy with your treatment plan.

Preventative Dentistry

Preventative dentistry is the easiest way to protect your teeth/mouth against tooth decay, gum disease, and other more serious issues, such as mouth cancer. Regular checkups are key to maintaining both your oral and overall health.